Moving forward: CCO is indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index

Moving forward: CCO is indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index

Helen Seliman

Editorial Office, Chinese Clinical Oncology, AME Publishing Company, Guangzhou 510220, China

Correspondence to: Helen Seliman. Editorial Office, Chinese Clinical Oncology, AME Publishing Company, Guangzhou 510220, China. Email:

Submitted Aug 17, 2016. Accepted for publication Aug 18, 2016.

doi: 10.21037/cco.2016.08.03

In August 2016, Chinese Clinical Oncology (CCO) has been selected for coverage in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), which is a new index in the Web of Science™ Core Collection. Indexing in ESCI, CCO will be searchable, discoverable and citable in the Web of Science™ Core Collection with no Journal Impact Factor.

This inclusion is an important landmark of CCO journal in its 5th year of publication.

Since its launch in 2012, CCO has been proactively involving in establishing the high quality journal standards, rigorous editorial review and rapid turnaround with the continuous support and tremendous effort from our distinguishing editorial broad members, guest editors, authors, reviewers, readers as well as the editorial office.

The publication of CCO is driven by the leadership and passion of Editors-in-Chief Shukui Qin, Jiade J. Lu, Charles M. Balch and Associate Editor-in-Chief, Ghassan Abou-Alfa and Associate Editors, Daniel G. Haller and Daniel J. Sargent. They devote their time and bring their decades of experience in scientific research and publications for managing this journal.

As a forum for the dissemination articles in English in the field of clinical oncology dedicated to translating the latest research developments into best multimodality practice, which is endorsed by Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology (CSCO), CCO has currently published 18 issues with high quality publications from over 26 countries. CCO is providing another venue for high quality publications based upon the impressive expansive of research activities in China and has attracted excellent publications from clinicians and investigators throughout the world, especially Asia, the United State and Europe. CCO also makes great efforts on the focused issues, which has all papers in one issue in one specific topic. Till now, the following 11 outstanding focused issues have been published:

Before coverage in ESCI, CCO is indexed and covered by PubMed/MEDLINE, Google Scholar, Medscape and MDlinx. Step by step, CCO are moving forward. It is very hopefully that CCO will become a large and competitive arena for high quality articles and will develop into an influential publication in short term with all the support. We highly encourage you to submit your manuscripts to CCO and find the articles in CCO interesting and useful.

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Conflicts of Interest: The author has no conflicts of interest to declare.

Cite this article as: Seliman H. Moving forward: CCO is indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index. Chin Clin Oncol 2016;5(4):E1. doi: 10.21037/cco.2016.08.03

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