Advancements in artificial intelligence for robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy in men suffering from prostate cancer: results from a scoping review
Review Article

Advancements in artificial intelligence for robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy in men suffering from prostate cancer: results from a scoping review

Daniele Castellani1 ORCID logo, Leonard Perpepaj1, Demetra Fuligni1, Giuseppe Chiacchio1, Pietro Tramanzoli1, Silvia Stramucci1, Virgilio De Stefano1, Vanessa Cammarata1, Simone Cappucelli1, Valerio Pasarella1, Stefania Ferretti2, Davide Campobasso3, Vineet Gauhar4, Andrea Benedetto Galosi1

1Urology Unit, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria delle Marche, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy; 2Department of Urology, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Modena e reggio Emilia, Baggiovara, Italy; 3Department of Urology, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Parma, Parma, Italy; 4Department of Urology, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, Singapore, Singapore

Contributions: (I) Conception and design: D Castellani, S Ferretti, D Campobasso; (II) Administrative support: None; (III) Provision of study materials or patients: None; (IV) Collection and assembly of data: D Castellani, L Perpepaj, D Fuligni, G Chiacchio, P Tramanzoli, S Stramuci, V De Stefano, V Cammarata, S Cappucelli, V Pasarella; (V) Data analysis and interpretation: All authors; (VI) Manuscript writing: All authors; (VII) Final approval of manuscript: All authors.

Correspondence to: Daniele Castellani, MD. Urology Unit, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria delle Marche, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Via Conca 71, 60126 Ancona, Italy. Email:

Background: Robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP) is currently a first-line treatment option for men with localized prostate cancer (PCa), at least 10 years of life expectancy, and candidate for curative treatment. We performed a scoping review to evaluate the role of artificial intelligence (AI) on RARP for PCa.

Methods: A comprehensive literature search was performed using EMBASE, PubMed, and Scopus. Only English papers were accepted. The PICOS (Patient Intervention Comparison Outcome Study type) model was used; P: adult men with PCa undergoing RARP; I: use of AI; C: none; O: preoperative planning improvement and postoperative outcomes; S: prospective and retrospective studies.

Results: Seventeen papers were included, dealing with prediction of positive surgical margins/extraprostatic extension, biochemical recurrence, patient’s outcomes, intraoperative superimposition of magnetic resonance images to identify and locate lesions for nerve-sparing surgery, identification and labeling of surgical steps, and quality of surgery. All studies found improving outcomes in procedures employing AI.

Conclusions: The integration of AI in RARP represents a transformative advancement in surgical practice, augmenting surgical precision, enhancing decision-making processes and facilitating personalized patient care. This holds immense potential to improve surgical outcomes and teaching, and mitigate complications. This should be balanced against the current costs of implementation of robotic platforms with such a technology.

Keywords: Prostate cancer (PCa); robotic radical prostatectomy; artificial intelligence (AI); machine learning

Submitted Apr 12, 2024. Accepted for publication Jun 06, 2024. Published online Jul 22, 2024.

doi: 10.21037/cco-24-52

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Key findings

• The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP) represents a transformative advancement in surgical practice.

What is known and what is new?

• RARP has become the standard of surgical treatment of localized prostate cancer.

• Through machine learning algorithms, AI augments surgical precision, enhances decision-making processes and facilitates personalized patient care.

What is the implication, and what should change now?

• AI holds immense potential to improve surgical outcomes, reduce operative times, improve teaching, and mitigate complications, ultimately advancing the standard of care for patients undergoing RARP.



Prostate cancer (PCa) is the second cancer for incidence in men (1) with an increasing incidence rate of 2–3% annually (2). Robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP) is currently a first-line treatment option for men with localized disease, at least 10 years of life expectancy, and candidate for curative treatment (3). RARP has gained popularity in the last decade over traditional open radical prostatectomy thanks to the seamless integration of high-resolution three-dimensional magnified vision, a wide range of movements, tremor dampening, instrument miniaturization, and other features that collectively enhance the dexterity and precision of the operating surgeon’s hands, facilitating safe and efficient surgery (4). This converts into fewer immediate postoperative complications such as blood loss, transfusion rates, and shorter hospital stays (5). Yet, studies have shown slightly improved early functional outcomes in terms of urinary continence and erectile function with RARP compared to open surgery (5). This may be attributed to the enhanced visualization and precision afforded by robotic-assisted techniques which help in preserving anatomical structure such as in the Retzius sparing technique (6).


The advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has been progressing swiftly in recent years, encompassing enhancements in software algorithms, hardware execution, and widespread applications across numerous domains. The application of AI in medicine is still in its early stage, it holds significant promise, with many recent applications demonstrating its potential (7), it holds the potential to transform both the teaching and practice of surgery, offering the prospect of a future tailored to optimize patient care quality to its highest potential through the use of machine learning, computer vision, artificial neural networks, and natural language processing (8). The integration of AI technologies into RARP procedures might open new avenues for enhancing surgical outcomes, patient safety, and operative efficiency.


In this paper, we aim to present a comprehensive review of the current state-of-the-art applications of AI in RARP, encompassing preoperative planning, intraoperative assistance, and postoperative outcomes. We present this article in accordance with the PRISMA-ScR reporting checklist (available at (9).


Aim of the study and literature search

In this study, we performed a scoping review to evaluate the role of AI on RARP for PCa. Literature search was performed on 2nd February 2024 using EMBASE, PubMed, and Scopus. The following terms and Boolean operators were used: (artificial intelligence OR machine learning OR deep learning) AND (surgical planning OR preoperative planning OR surgical outcomes) AND (robotic radical prostatectomy OR robot-assisted radical prostatectomy OR robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy). No date limit was imposed. This review was registered on (number;

Selection criteria

Only English papers were accepted. Pediatric studies were excluded. Reviews, letters to the editor, case reports, and meeting abstracts were also excluded.

Study screening and selection

Our main objective was to evaluate the application and role of AI for RARP. The PICOS (Patient Intervention Comparison Outcome Study type) model was used to frame and answer the clinical question; P: adult men with PCa undergoing RARP; I: use of AI; C: none; O: preoperative planning improvement and postoperative outcomes; S: prospective and retrospective studies. Two independent authors screened all retrieved studies through Covidence Systematic Review Management® (Veritas Health Innovation, Melbourne, Australia). A third author solved discrepancies. The full text of the screened papers was selected if found pertinent to the purpose of this review.


Literature screening

The literature search found 1,211 papers. Three papers were added from other sources. Ten duplicates were automatically excluded, and 1,204 papers remained for screening against title and abstract. Among them, 1,183 papers were further excluded because were unrelated to this review purpose. The remaining 21 full-text papers were screened for pertinence. Four papers were excluded. Ultimately, 17 papers were accepted and included (10-26). Figure 1 shows the flow diagram of the literature search.

Figure 1 PRISMA flow diagram of the flow of information through the different phases of screening.

Study characteristics

Table 1 shows study characteristics. There were four studies dealing with the prediction of positive surgical margins (PSM)/extraprostatic extension (11,17,22,26) and one with biochemical recurrence (BCR) (19), five studies with patient’s outcomes (i.e., length of stay, recovery of erectile function and urinary continence) (13,16,20,21,25), while three studies reported outcomes on application on intraoperative superimposition of magnetic resonance images to identify and locate lesions for nerve-sparing surgery (10,14,24). The remaining ones reported the use of AI in the identification and labeling of surgical steps (15), identification of the intraoperative source of bleeding (18), and quality of surgery (12,23).

Table 1

Characteristics of included studies

Author, year Type of study Number of patients Type of AI applied Clinical/surgical use Sensitivity Specificity Performance Conclusion
Checcucci, 2022 (22) Prospective 160 cases in the 3D group, 640 cases in the non-3D group High-definition 3D models (HA3DTM) Identification of lesion’s location and its relationship with the prostate capsule based on 3D cognitive or augmented‑reality RARP to reduce PSM NR NR NR 3D models during RARP enables the adjustment of nerve-sparing approaches, reducing the incidence of PSM, particularly in patients with ECE or pT3 PCa
Checcucci, 2023 (14) Prospective 34 3D automatic augmented reality system Automatic augmented reality system, guided by AI, that allows to project prostate’s and tumor’s virtual images at the level of the prostatic lodge during RARP NR NR NR Automatic augmented reality system allows to correctly identify the lesion location on NVB in 87.5% of the pT3 patients, perform a 3D-guided tailored nerve-sparing even in locally advanced diseases, without compromising the oncological safety in terms of PSM rates
Checcucci, 2023 (18) Retrospective 10 A machine learning called bleeding AI detector Forecasting instances of intraoperative bleeding during RARP and promptly notify the surgeon about bleeding risks NR NR 90% This software was able to correctly predict the bleeding occurrence during RARP with 90% accuracy. This application can potentially assist the surgeon during the intervention
Chen, 2021 (23) Retrospective 17 surgeons (8 surgeons with >100 cases of experience and 9 novices with <100 cases of experience) Three machine learning models (AdaBoost, gradient boosting and Random Forest) Assessing surgeon experience based on individual stitches and sub-stitches in the vesico-urethral anastomosis performance during RARP NR NR 77.4% Surgeon performance measured by automated performance metrics on a granular sub-stitch level more accurately distinguishes expertise when compared with summary automated performance metrics over whole stitches
Ekşi, 2021 (19) Retrospective 368 Three machine learning models (Random Forest, K-nearest neighbor, and logistic regression) Prediction of biochemical recurrence following RARP 0.88 (Random Forest), 0.88 (K-nearest neighbor), 0.88 (logistic regression) 0.85 (Random Forest), 0.85 (K-nearest neighbor), 0.82 (logistic regression) 0.95 (Random Forest), 0.93 (K-nearest neighbor), 0.93 (logistic regression) Machine learning models are more reliable and potent to accurately predict risk classification and prognosis estimation of PCa patients undergoing RARP
Hao, 2022 (26) Retrospective 882 Lasso method for variable screening; logistic regression to establish the final model Prediction of PSM following RARP NR NR C-statistic 0.76 The model well predict PSM. The model is available at
Hung, 2018 (25) Prospective 78 Three machine learning methods of processing automated performance metrics based on intraoperative video images (Random Forest-50, Support Vector Machine-Radial Basis Function, and L2 Regularization) Evaluating surgical performance and predicting clinical outcomes after RARP NR NR Prediction of length of stay, Random Forest: 87.2%, support vector machine-radial basis function: 83.3%, L2 regularization: 82.1% Automated performance metrics and machine learning algorithms may help assess surgical RARP performance and predict clinical outcomes
Hung, 2019 (13) Prospective 100 Deep learning model Prediction of urinary incontinence after RARP NR NR Association of clinicopathological features and automated performance metrics: C index 0.599 Surgeons with more efficient automated performance metrics achieved higher continence rates at 3 and 6 months after RARP
Kaneko, 2022 (10) Prospective 20 Convolutional neural network trained with integration of MR-US image data and MRI-US fusion prostate biopsy trajectory-proven pathology data compared with an experienced radiologist Prediction of volume and location of clinically significant PCa at RARP specimen NR NR Model: 83%, radiologist: 54% This model may more precisely predict the 3D mapping of clinically significant PCa in its volume and center location than a radiologist’s reading
Khanna, 2024 (15) Retrospective 474 Computer-vision algorithm based on full length RARP videos For automated identification and labeling of surgical steps during RARP NR NR Vesicourethral anastomosis step: 97.3%, final inspection and extraction step: 76.8% Automated surgical video analysis has immediate practical applications in surgeon video review, surgical training and education, quality and safety benchmarking, medical billing and documentation, and operating room logistics
Kwong, 2023 (17) Retrospective 2,468 Algorithmic audit of an AI-based toll Side-specific Extra-Prostatic Extension Risk Assessment (RARP specimen) 93% 96% AUC: 0.77 This algorithm may help to personalize nerve sparing approaches during RARP
Lee, 2022 (11) Prospective 236 Random Forest machine learning algorithm based on 15 clinical factors and 38 automated performance metrics from 11 standardized RARP steps Prediction of PSM after RARP NR NR AUC: 0.74 The strongest predictors of PSM after RARP were extraprostatic extension and pT. Automated performance metrics are objective measures of surgeon performance that are capable of independently predicting PSMs
Ma, 2022 (21) Retrospective 80 Machine learning models using 34,323 individual gesture sequences vs. traditional clinical features Prediction of 1-year erectile function after RARP NR NR AUC: 0.69 Less use of hot cut and more use of peel/push are statistically associated with better chance of 1-year erectile function recovery
Nakamura, 2023 (16) Retrospective 101 Deep learning model based on intraoperative video snapshot (prior to bladder neck incision, immediately following prostate removal, and after vesicourethral anastomosis) Prediction of early recovery of continence following RARP 92.2% 78.4% AUC: 0.882, overall accuracy: 85.3% Deep learning algorithm with intraoperative video imaging is a reliable method for informing patients about the severity of their recovery from early incontinence after RARP
Schiavina, 2021 (24) Prospective 26 3D augmented reality model based on segmentation of MRI Evaluation of the impact of the model to guide nerve sparing during RARP 70% 100% 92% Augmented reality-3D guided surgery is useful for improving the real-time identification of the index lesion and allows changing of the nerve sparing approach in approximately one out of three cases
Trinh, 2022 (20) Retrospective 115 Deep learning survival analysis Evaluation of contribution of patient and treatment factors, surgeon efficiency metrics, and surgeon technical skill scores, especially for vesicourethral anastomosis to models predicting urinary continence recovery following RARP NR NR C-index 0.782 Automated performance metrics that evaluate the most granular surgical movements (i.e., sub stitch maneuvers) and technical skills appear to aid in prediction of urinary continence recovery after RARP
Zuluaga, 2024 (12) Prospective 2 Surgical AI platform system generated real-time annotations and identified operative safety milestones and surgical events To capture live surgical videos and successfully annotate key surgical steps and safety milestones in real-time intraoperative decision support NR NR NR This AI model represents an initial stride toward real-time intraoperative decision support, enabling the identification of critical steps during RARP. The utilization of this tool has the potential to prevent adverse events and rectify potential intraoperative risks

AI, artificial intelligence; 3D, three-dimensional; RARP, robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy; PSM, positive surgical margins; NR, not reported; ECE, extracapsular extension; PCa, prostate cancer; NVB, neurovascular bundle; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; US, ultrasound; AUC, area under the curve.

Prediction of PSM, extraprostatic extension, and BCR

Hao et al. examined a population of 903 patients undergoing RARP, with 151 cases of PSM (26). They reported a statistically significant difference in age, percent of positive needles, International Society of Urological Pathology (ISUP) group, pathological stage, Prostate Imaging Reporting & Data System (PI-RADS) lesion, tumor location, maximal tumor diameter, clinical stage at magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), prostate specific antigen (PSA), and PSA-density, between the positive and negative surgical margin groups. They used a Lasso method for variable screening and logistic regression analysis to establish the final model with good performance (c-statistic 0.727) to predict the presence of PSM post-RARP. Their model is available at

Lee et al. analyzed a population of 236 patients undergoing RARP to develop a prediction model for PSM based on automated performance metrics (APMs) (validated objective measures of surgeon performance from 11 standardized RARP steps) and clinical parameters (11). The PSM rate was 23.3%, with a statistically significant difference of pT ≥3 tumors between patients with PSM and those with negative margins (83.6% vs. 48.1%, P<0.001). The full model, including patient clinical factors and APMs, showed an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.74 in predicting PSM. When assessing patient clinical factors alone or APMs alone, the model achieved AUC of 0.72 and 0.64, respectively. The most important predictors of PSM were extracapsular extension and pT stage followed by APMs. All the APMS were associated with either the bladder neck dissection (4/6; 66.7%) or lymph node dissection (2/6; 33.3%) steps.

Checcucci et al. conducted a prospective study involving 800 patients who underwent RARP to assess the impact of 3D models on PSM rate (22). They used high-definition 3D models based on multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI), with the 3D images available for consultation by the surgeon during the procedure or overlaid onto live images during surgery. Of the participants, 160 were enrolled in the 3D group, while the remaining 640 from a historical cohort served as the control group. The authors found that in the 3D group, the PSM rate was lower (25% vs. 35.1%, P=0.01), particularly among patients with suspected extracapsular extension on mpMRI.

Kwong et al. conducted a study on 2,468 patients who underwent RARP using an AI-based Side-specific Extra-Prostatic Extension Risk Assessment tool (SEPERA) (17). The machine learning model sequentially constructs decision trees, each reducing the misclassification error of previous trees. SEPERA predicted extraprostatic extension after RARP more effectively than other models, with no evidence of model bias and no significant difference in the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve when stratified by race, biopsy year, age, biopsy type, or biopsy location. The most common errors were false positives, particularly among older patients with high-risk diseases.

Ekşi et al. created a model to predict BCR post-RARP based on clinical parameters and machine learning (19). They analyzed a population of 368 patients with a BCR rate of 19.8%, reporting in multivariate analysis that neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio, PSA density, risk classification, PI-RADS score, T stage, presence or absence of PSM, and seminal vesicle invasion were predictive factors of BCR. The AUC was 0.915, with a sensitivity and specificity of 90.6% and 79.8%, respectively. They tried three different machine learning algorithms (i.e., Random Forest, K-nearest neighbor, and logistic regression) to predict BCR, analyzing 37 parameters and reporting AUC for receiver-operating characteristic curves of 0.95, 0.93, and 0.93, respectively.

Detection of the index lesion during surgery and surgical steps

Schiavina et al. evaluated the impact of an augmented reality 3D (AR-3D) model to guide nerve sparing during RARP (24). The authors included 26 patients, 23 with preoperative mpMRI-identified organ-confined index lesions and suspected extracapsular extension in the remaining ones. They reported that the initial, preoperative MR-based surgical plan for the nerve-sparing technique was modified due to the AR-3D model in 38.5% of patients. Notably, in 30% of these cases, surgery was adjusted towards a more radical approach, while in the remaining 70%, a less radical nerve-sparing approach was attempted. Furthermore, the intraoperative utilization of AR-3D technology (i.e., the intraoperative nerve-sparing plan) influenced the surgeon to modify their plan in 18 (34.6%) cases, with an overall appropriateness of 94.4%. Within these modifications, half the cases involved a shift towards a more radical approach (appropriateness 77.8%), while the other half transitioned to a less radical approach (appropriateness 88.9%). Finally, the AR-3D model exhibited promising accuracy in localizing the index lesion, achieving 70% sensitivity, 100% specificity, and 92% accuracy based on the 32-prostatic area map analysis. The authors support the feasibility of AR-3D guided surgery as a tool to enhance real-time identification of the index lesion and its potential to refine nerve-sparing approaches during RARP.

In support of these findings, Kaneko et al. reported on a proof concept study on the use of an algorithm that predicts the volume and location of clinically significant PCa (10). The authors used a convolutional neural network trained with the integration of multiparametric MR-ultrasound (US) image data and MRI-US fusion prostate biopsy trajectory-proven pathology data and compared it with independent radiologist reports. The concordance of the MRI index lesion with that in RARP specimens was significantly higher in the prediction model than in the radiologist’s reading (83% vs. 54%, P=0.036). In addition, clinically significant tumor volumes predicted with the model were more accurate than the radiologist’s reading (r=0.90, P<0.001).

Checcucci et al. assessed the precision of a 3D automated augmented reality system, which is AI-guided, in pinpointing the tumor’s position within the preserved neurovascular bundle after the excision phase during RARP (14). They prospectively include 34 men with cT1-3 PCa undergoing RARP. The virtual 3D model of the prostate enabled the identification of the tumor’s position within the preserved neurovascular bundle and facilitated a targeted excisional biopsy, preserving the remainder of the bundle. PSM rates were 0% in pT2 and 7.1% in pT3 patients. Using this augmented reality system, it was feasible to accurately locate the lesion on the neurovascular bundle in 87.5% of pT3 patients and executed a customized, 3D-guided nerve-sparing procedure even in cases of locally advanced diseases, all while maintaining oncological safety and minimizing PSM rates.

Evaluation of patients’ outcomes

A study conducted by Ma et al. included 80 nerve-sparing RARP procedures from two centers, to assess whether gesture types, the proportion of a gesture type, and expertise levels could predict the 1-year erectile function recovery (21). The authors found out that patients who recovered their erectile function had overall less hot cut (median 1.4% vs. 1.9%, P=0.016) but more peel/push (median 33.4% vs. 29.7%, P<0.001), in both the expert (median 275 cases) and super-expert group (median 3,000 cases). Two teams were instructed to build machine learning prediction models that considered both gesture sequences and clinical features. Both models achieved a moderately high ability to predict 1-year erectile function recovery when including either clinical features (i.e., Gleason score, age, body mass index, PSA, prostate volume) and surgical gestures or surgical gestures alone. These findings suggest that specific surgical gestures could be useful to achieve better surgical performances and functional outcomes after RARP. The models also highlighted a significant difference in surgical gestures and number of gestures when comparing the expert and super-expert subgroup, with the former using more gestures, more spread, more hook, and less coagulation, and the latter using fewer gestures, more cold-cut and coagulation but less peel/push and retraction. The same group also assessed the impact of patient and treatment variables, surgeon efficiency metrics, and surgeon technical skill scores, on models aimed at predicting urinary continence recovery defined as 0 or 1 safety pad/die (20). They found that APM that evaluate the most granular surgical movements, such as sub stitch maneuvers, and technical abilities seem to enhance the ability to predict urinary continence recovery following RARP. The assessment of suturing technical skills seems particularly crucial in foreseeing this critical patient outcome of functional recovery.

The first study to show that APM and machine learning algorithms may help assess surgical RARP performance and predict the postoperative length of stay was published in 2018 by Hung et al. (25). The Random Forest-50 algorithm demonstrated the highest efficacy, achieving an accuracy of 87.2% in predicting length of stay. Notably, the extended length of stay cases exhibited superior performance compared to the expected length of stay cases across various metrics: surgery duration (3.7 vs. 4.6 hours, P=0.007), length of stay (2 vs. 4 days, P=0.02), and Foley catheter duration (9 vs. 14 days, P=0.02). Additionally, patient outcomes forecasted by the algorithm showed significant correlations with actual outcomes in surgery duration (P<0.001, r=0.73), length of stay (P=0.05, r=0.52), and Foley catheter duration (P<0.001, r=0.45).

In 2019, the same group published a paper where the main purpose was to predict urinary continence recovery after RARP using a deep learning model (13). Robotic surgical APMs during RARP were reported for each step, and patient clinicopathological and continence data were captured prospectively from 100 contemporary procedures. They stratified eight surgeons based on the five top-ranked features (time-related metrics, instrument kinematic metrics, camera movement metrics, system event metrics, and wrist articulation metrics). The top four surgeons were categorized in Group 1/APMs. Continence was evaluated during each follow-up visit using the self-administered EPIC questionnaire. In this context, continence was defined as the absence of pads. The authors employed three datasets for predicting continence recovery: 16 clinicopathological features, 492 APMs, and a combined set comprising 16 clinicopathological features and 492 APMs, totaling 508 measures. Out of the RARP cases considered in this study, continence was achieved in 79 patients (79%), with a median time to urinary continence of 126 days. Three of the top-ranked features were APM measured during the vesicourethral anastomosis, and one was measured during the prostatic apical dissection. APM were ranked higher by the model than clinicopathological features. Patients in Group 1/APMs had superior rates of urinary continence at 3 and 6 months postoperatively (47.5% vs. 36.7%, P=0.034, and 68.3% vs. 59.2%, P=0.047, respectively).

Evaluation of surgical performances

Khanna et al. developed and trained an algorithm using 292 RARP videos that were manually annotated with the corresponding surgical steps (15). Subsequently, the algorithm’s performance was evaluated on an independent set of 182 RARP procedures. The analysis revealed a high concordance (92.8%) between the AI-based automated video analysis and manual human video annotation. Notably, the algorithm achieved the highest accuracy for the vesicourethral anastomosis step (97.3%), while the final inspection and extraction step showed the lowest accuracy (76.8%). These findings suggest that automated surgical video analysis using this approach has promising applications in various domains, including surgeon video review, surgical training and education, and quality and safety benchmarking.

Chen et al. focused on the application of APM during vesicourethral anastomosis to distinguish surgeon experience (23). The study reported APM during the vesicourethral anastomosis for each overall stitch (Ctotal) and its sub-stitch components: needle handling/targeting, needle driving, and suture cinching during anastomosis. The data were then recorded into a systems data recorder, organized into three datasets [GlobalSet (whole stitch), RowSet (independent sub-stitches), and ColumnSet (associated sub-stitches)] and applied to three machine learning models (AdaBoost, Gradient boosting, and Random Forest). Participant surgeons were divided into novices, ordinary experts, and super-experts based on the number of cases they worked on. When it came to differentiating between novice and expert surgeons, ColumnSet, providing sub-stitch details along with association to specific stitches, performed with the highest accuracy, followed by RowSet and the worst being GlobalSet—the only one that did not account for sub-stitch—and the overall best combination of dataset and model was ColumnSet by Random Forest model. Furthermore, the study showed that the algorithms were more accurate in differentiating between super experts and ordinary experts than distinguishing novices versus experts. When comparing experts to novices, APM showed the most differences in total path length of non-dominant instruments, articulation of both dominant and non-dominant instruments, and total moving time of the camera, whereas features during needle handling/targeting phase of suturing turned out to be the most important differences between super experts and ordinary experts, especially mean path length of camera movements, total path length of dominant instrument and articulation of dominant instrument. Nonetheless, the study has its limits, most importantly being based on a single center’s experience with surgeons who may share a similar surgical technique.

Zuluaga et al. described a surgical AI platform system that generated real-time annotations and identified operative safety milestones during live RARP (12). This was realized through trained algorithms, conventional video recognition, and novel video transfer network technology which can capture clips in full context, allowing automatic recognition and surgical mapping in real time.

Another helpful tool based on AI was presented by Checcuci et al. who, using convolutional neural networks, developed a system capable of forecasting instances of intraoperative bleeding (18). The authors found that the system was able to alert surgeons to potential bleeding incidents with an impressive event recognition accuracy of 90.63%.


Key findings

In this scoping review, we reported the current knowledge regarding the use of AI in RARP. This covers several aspects from surgical planning to intraoperative decision-making, evaluation of surgical performance, and assessment of patients’ postoperative outcomes.

Oncological radicality is certainly one of the most important objectives of the surgical treatment of PCa. Predicting that some patients may have a higher probability of PSM can help the surgeon prevent such an outcome. The model probably most easily applicable in daily clinical practice is the one proposed by Hao et al. (26). Their nomogram is based on clinical parameters and is easy to use in daily clinical practice, also thanks to the online calculator they have developed. However, this system overlooks the variances among individual surgeons, which instead are considered by Lee et al. through the APM (11). The model they developed can help each surgeon predict the probability of PSM based on the technique used.

New technologies play a fundamental role in enhancing surgical technique as well. The 3D models analyzed by Checcucci et al. enable greater precision during RARP in terms of oncological radicality, significantly reducing the PSM rate, choosing a nerve-sparing approach in the best candidate, anticipating bleeding and thereby allowing for an improved outcome for the patient (14,18,22).

The model developed by Kwong et al., aiming to predict extraprostatic extension, can also be very useful for surgical planning, especially concerning the applicability of nerve-sparing techniques to maintain oncological radicality (17). Predicting post-RARP BCR can also be a significant advantage in terms of oncological radicality. The model proposed by Ekşi et al. can help urologists understand which patients are at higher risk of BCR and place them under closer follow-up, improving the final oncological outcome (19).

Urinary continence is another pivotal outcome after RARP. Factors affecting postoperative urinary continence recovery have been extensively investigated, including clinicopathological characteristics and nerve-sparing and reconstruction techniques. Surgeons who perform RARP continuously accumulate experience and develop their technical skills, resulting in improved urinary continence and sexual health. To date, the ‘gold standard’ method of weighing surgeon performance has been through determining prior surgical experience (caseload) or manual surgical evaluation by peer surgeons (27). However, evaluating surgical performance by caseload alone may be inaccurate or inconsistent as it often is self-reported by the surgeon. A fledgling alternative to manual assessment is APM. These instrument motion tracking and events metrics are derived from computer-based data recording devices. Recent developments involve the application of APM in conjunction with machine-learning algorithms. These tools have been shown to predict effectively peri-operative and short-term clinical outcomes following RARP (23,25).

Automated surgical video analysis using this approach has promising applications in various domains, including surgeon video review, surgical training, education, quality and safety benchmarking.

The findings of the Khanna et al. study demonstrate high concordance (92.8%) between AI-based automated surgical video analysis and manual annotation, highlighting the potential of this technology to revolutionize various aspects of RARP (15). The ability to accurately identify and segment surgical steps within RARP videos unlocks a range of promising medical applications.

Automatic identification and segmentation of key surgical steps can help urologists focus on specific aspects of the procedure, reducing the overall review time of surgical videos. This can be particularly beneficial for training purposes or complex case reviews. Surgical trainees can utilize this technology to review in detail specific steps of RARP procedures, enhancing their understanding of the surgical workflow (12,15). Additionally, the ability to objectively assess trainee performance by analyzing their surgical videos can provide valuable feedback and identify areas for improvement. Training can be also improved by using machine learning models which highlight a significant difference in surgical gestures and number of gestures when comparing the expert and super-expert surgeons, with the former using more gestures, more spread, more hook, and less coagulation (21). These results suggest that not only the types of gestures but also likely the execution and context of gestures matter for outcomes and indeed this can be very helpful to improve outcomes of novice surgeons.

Strengths and limitations

In the context of RARP, AI has shown promising applications in planning and enhancing surgical outcomes. The strengths of AI algorithms rely on the analysis of patient data, including MRI, to assist in preoperative planning. This helps surgeons identify the optimal approach and plan the surgery with greater precision. AI can also provide decision support by analyzing complex datasets and offering recommendations based on historical patient data, outcomes, and best practices. This assists surgeons in making informed decisions during the surgical planning phase. A further advantage of AI-powered image analysis is helping the surgeon in real-time navigation during the procedure. This includes identifying critical structures, guiding the surgeon to target areas, and providing continuous feedback to ensure accurate and safe procedures. Machine learning models can analyze patient data to predict the likelihood of postoperative complications. This allows healthcare professionals to take preventive measures and optimize postoperative care. Moreover, AI can analyze data from a large number of surgeries to identify patterns, trends, and best practices. This continuous learning process can contribute to refining surgical techniques and improving overall outcomes over time. Finally, AI technologies enable remote collaboration and assistance during surgeries using current high-speed connections. Surgeons can receive real-time guidance and support from experts, regardless of geographical location, improving the overall quality of care.

Limitations of AI application for RARP are mainly related to its poor availability and costs, particularly in resource-constrained healthcare settings. In addition, implementing AI technologies in surgical settings requires significant investment in infrastructure, training, and maintenance. For some healthcare institutions, especially those with limited resources, the upfront costs associated with adopting AI may outweigh the potential benefits.

We should also consider that AI systems are typically trained on specific datasets and may struggle to adapt to variations in patient anatomy or unexpected surgical challenges during the procedure. Finally, integrating AI technologies into existing robotic surgical platforms may pose technical challenges and require significant modifications to the workflow and infrastructure of surgical departments.

Finally, our review relies on only 17 studies with different aspects of the application of AI based on still modest data and future studies are demanding to confirm this preliminary data.

Implications and actions needed

There are ethical and legal considerations surrounding the use of AI in surgery, including issues related to liability, patient consent, and privacy. Ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and addressing potential concerns about algorithmic bias and transparency is essential for its future application in daily practice.


The integration of AI in RARP represents a transformative advancement in surgical practice. Through machine learning algorithms, AI augments surgical precision, enhances decision-making processes and facilitates personalized patient care. This holds immense potential to improve surgical outcomes, reduce operative times, improve teaching, and mitigate complications, ultimately advancing the standard of care for patients undergoing RARP. However, this should be balanced against the current costs of implementation of robotic platforms with such a technology.


Funding: None.


Provenance and Peer Review: This article was commissioned by the editorial office, Chinese Clinical Oncology for the series “New Evidence and Advances in Surgical Treatment of Prostate Cancer”. The article has undergone external peer review.

Reporting Checklist: The authors have completed the PRISMA-ScR reporting checklist. Available at

Peer Review File: Available at

Conflicts of Interest: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form (available at The series “New Evidence and Advances in Surgical Treatment of Prostate Cancer” was commissioned by the editorial office without any funding or sponsorship. D.C. served as the unpaid Guest Editor of the series and serves as an unpaid editorial board member of Chinese Clinical Oncology from August 2022 to July 2024. S.F. also served as the unpaid Guest Editor of the series. The authors have no other conflicts of interest to declare.

Ethical Statement: The authors are accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

Open Access Statement: This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which permits the non-commercial replication and distribution of the article with the strict proviso that no changes or edits are made and the original work is properly cited (including links to both the formal publication through the relevant DOI and the license). See:


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Cite this article as: Castellani D, Perpepaj L, Fuligni D, Chiacchio G, Tramanzoli P, Stramucci S, De Stefano V, Cammarata V, Cappucelli S, Pasarella V, Ferretti S, Campobasso D, Gauhar V, Galosi AB. Advancements in artificial intelligence for robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy in men suffering from prostate cancer: results from a scoping review. Chin Clin Oncol 2024;13(4):54. doi: 10.21037/cco-24-52

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