This series on "Inflammatory Breast Cancer" is edited by Professor Naoto T. Ueno from Department of Breast Medical Oncology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA.
“Why and What” for the optimal management of inflammatory breast cancer
Review Article
What is the best systemic treatment for newly diagnosed inflammatory breast cancer?—a narrative review
Baseline FDG PET-CT imaging is necessary for newly diagnosed inflammatory breast cancer patients: a narrative review
Contemporary surgical management of inflammatory breast cancer: a narrative review
Why diagnosing inflammatory breast cancer is hard and how to overcome the challenges: a narrative review
What is the best treatment recommendation for HER2+ IBC with residual disease?—a narrative review
How should radiation be done for inflammatory breast cancer patients?—a narrative review of modern literature
The series "Inflammatory Breast Cancer" was commissioned by the Editorial office, Chinese Clinical Oncology without any sponsorship or funding. Dr. Naoto T. Ueno served as the unpaid Guest Editor for the series.