Targeted Systemic Therapies for Primary and Metastatic Brain Tumors

Posted On 2021-01-08 15:37:05

The diagnosis and treatment of malignant brain tumors have been a challenge in the past decades. However, great strides have been made recently in the field of neuro-oncology with advances in diagnostic tools, neurosurgical techniques, radiotherapeutic applications, development of potent chemotherapeutic agents, immuno-oncologic agents, dendritic cell vaccines and oncolytic viral therapies. In addition, new biologic modifiers such as antiangiogenic agents and molecular targeted therapies are changing the paradigm of diagnostic and therapeutic approaches based on their molecular genetic profiling.

In this CCO focused series of the “Targeted systemic therapies for primary brain tumors”, Ali et al. and Wagel et al. eloquently discuss the role of targeted treatment options with stereotactic radiation for recurrent gliomas and targeted therapies in glioblastoma respectively while Kim and Martinez et al. extensively review the role of molecular targeted therapy options in the treatment of meningioma and other skull based tumors such as pituitary tumor and craniopharyngioma, respectively.

The series “Targeted Systemic Therapies for Primary and Metastatic Brain Tumors” was commissioned by the Editorial office, Chinese Clinical Oncology without any sponsorship or funding. Jon Glass served as the unpaid Guest Editor for the series.